"The Yoga Club" - daily online yoga training
At the yogis club, my trainees meet me every day.
They perform daily training and in addition receive lots and lots of information and materials about the world of yoga.
Why daily training? What is the benefit of daily training?
A daily yoga practice allows you to persevere in progress. In daily yoga training you develop skill, you build a training routine that relaxes, stabilizes and strengthens the body and mind. You develop resilience and ensure solid health.
The daily training is a deep plowing:
You are stronger, more flexible, calmer, independent in training and confident in yourself.
The daily yoga practice becomes a habit and a lifestyle. Yoga training for a long, healthy and peaceful life.
The yogis club, is an online club that guarantees you persistence and progress. You watch the practices, you can rewind the recording and delve into the instructions, repeat and do, repeat and deepen, improve and progress. You respond, ask and receive From me answers and feedback,
There are no cancellations of classes, there is convenience of time: you choose the time for the yoga training. There is convenience of place: you choose the training place (even when searching abroad), there is a sequence of classes anywhere, at any time - the daily routine of yoga training is not interrupted.
Who is the training at the yoga club suitable for?
Daily yoga practice is suitable for those who know they can persevere, for those who have a history of perseverance: those who have already practiced yoga and love and miss it. Who danced, who did physical activity - and perhaps the circumstances of life kept her away from what she loved. Those who like to exercise and find it difficult to travel. Anyone who has persevered in the past and knows how persistence improves their quality of life.
The daily yoga training is also suitable for those who are looking for something beyond the physical practice, something for the soul, something for the breath...
Daily training keeps a strong body, strong muscles over the years. A daily yoga practice maintains your flexibility. It's so easy to lose flexibility - when you don't train for years. The daily workout maintains your stability - daily maintenance that keeps you away from the tangible danger of falling due to weak legs and loss of balance.
The daily yoga training at the yoga club helps you preserve the achievements you have already achieved and you do not want to lose them. Don't find yourself dwelling on the past, the days when you were still training. Without worrying that you are "rusting". You continue to be happy in your body and discover that not only are you maintaining achievements - you are even progressing and doing things you didn't do when you were young.
The daily practice keeps you away from pain. You understand that despite the years - pain is not destiny!
The daily training which also includes meditation and breathing - keeps you balanced and calm. We cannot know what life has in store for us - we can train ourselves to have a broad and stable consciousness - in times of challenge and crisis.
So, how does it work?
There is a closed Facebook group called: "The Yoga Club", for paid subscribers.
This is a closed and private group - its content is visible only to subscribers.
how is training going
Every week I film three yoga classesnew ones
On Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 06:00 in the morning - the lessons go up to the group.
It is advisable to practice the lesson on the day you go to the club, and practice it again the next day.
On those days when the class increases - you receive a WhatsApp message with a link to the new class that has been added to the group and is waiting for you.
It is very convenient to receive this reminder with a direct link to the lesson - then you don't have to hesitate.
You can also choose to practice another lesson, on a day and time convenient for you. The length of the lessons varies between 30 - 45 minutes.
Each month there is an emphasis on a different topic from the field of yoga practice. The classes work on all the organs of the body - including internal organs.
There is always repetition and there is always progress.
They practice both meditation and breathing, as well as texts.
My instructions are detailed and precise.
The classes are varied, in-depth, relaxed and challenging.
Adaptations are always offered, there are always some options.
A detailed description of the course of the lesson is attached to each lesson so that you can choose which lesson you feel like doing.
Depending on the ability that day, according to the inclination of the heart and the mood.
There is a huge library of lessons, and there is also a library of short 5-10 minute lessons:
For those who are in a hurry and still want to start the day with yoga practice, for those who want to focus on learning a certain pose, to practice only breathing today, to practice only meditation today, to listen to the text...
And the link to me!
You have direct access to me for questions, consultations, requests - because I know how important it is to accompany and support. You are welcome to send me photos, we can meet on Zoom, and there is definitely a plan to meet face to face at the retreat.
Yoga is a community: "Sangha" (in Sanskrit)
The price of a monthly subscription to the yoga club is: NIS 219.
First month free.
just practice -And if it doesn't fit - quit, no questions asked.
Why a free month? It is really important to me that you feel good about the your choice
An example of a yoga class
Sara Mirom - Tel Aviv
Dr. Orit Brown, Yuval
Ofra S. Carmiel
Sarah C. Rosh Hankara, practicing in New York
Michal L. Rosh Ha'in,
Practicing the tree pose
What else do the trainees say about the training experience at the club:
Highly recommend! The back pain - decreased, I got energy, I gained peace and calm.
Brings balance, maintains sanity on difficult days.
Roni is an excellent teacher and very dedicated to the idea of yoga.
I feel good after the class!!!! And in general, hearing you every morning makes my day!
The diversity of the class: strength, flexibility, breathing, meditation - the feeling that I am working on both the body and the mind!
The length of the daily lesson is right for me, neither too short nor too long...
A study that is both mind and body and that I can connect at any time that is convenient for me.
The knowledge that I can ask a question and Sharoni is available for consultation,
I know myself - a regular daily schedule is good for me and encourages perseverance.